Rules & Regulations

School Rules & Regulations

Self-discipline is necessary to achieve self-direction. The school rules help students to strengthen the students’ determination for growth in self-direction. They are guidelines to self-improvement rather than restriction to it.


Guidelines To Parents / Guardians

For the integral growth of the pupils, co-operation of the parents is necessary.

You are requested not to enter the classroom during class hours.

Guide your ward to become a resourceful and useful member of the society.

Courteous behaviour and gratitude should be instilled in the students at home.

We look forward to your generous involvement in the ideals of the school.

A child who is seriously ill should not be sent to class or to appear for the examination.

The parent should inform the principal about the absence of the ward during examination.

Parents should meet the teacher on the Open Day (PTM).

If you have a legitimate compliant or suggestion, the principal should be contacted.

Open Day (PTM)

It is mandatory for all parents to meet the Class teachers and Subject teachers on the Open day to know the performance of their ward as scheduled in the School Diary.

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