Correspondent Message

Greetings to All.
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself,” says John Dewey. Hence, the aim of education is to make learners think than load their memory. Education should develop to the fullest and the best in the human personality psychologically, physically, socially and spiritually. I appreciate all the committed Teaching and Non- Teaching staff who work tirelessly to bring out the best in every student who in turn strives towards building a humane and just society.

I am happy to say that the main objective of our campus is disciplined education and we are able to empower many girls and boys to lead a good life in future. Many of our past students have accomplished their career dreams and are grateful for the foundation laid by us which we are proud of. The core values of our school are ensuring a safe environment, fostering academic excellence, nurturing the students and developing critical thinkers.

Yours in the cause of Education,