Principal Message

Dear Students, Parents and Well-wishers, Greetings!
I am delighted to welcome you all to this new academic year 2023-24. We at our school strive to provide quality education to our students using creative methods through ICT teaching-learning pedagogy to extend the frontiers of knowledge and ignite their minds. We humbly acknowledge our service and contribution to the cause of education and humanity over the last 20 years, making significant strides as one of the premier institutions in the Tiruvallur district. Our holistic education program aims at instilling the core values enshrined in the message of our correspondent.

We focus on shaping young minds into citizens with personal integrity and social responsibility. we encourage the students to discover meaningful learning beyond the confines of classrooms through regular co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Our committed teachers spend their quality time moulding the students as responsible citizens and future leaders of the nation. With a rich heritage and tradition, dedicated management committed staff and the best infrastructure, our school continues to live up to its reputation.

I wish you all the very best.